
A shiny round ball showing a reflection of Melinda taking a photo of the ball.

Melinda Kapor

What better picture for self-reflection than a reflection of self? This “first” entry is just that. Started weeks ago, it has evolved from something rather nondescript to what I’m sharing here.

I’ve long debated to blog or not to blog. One of the things holding me back was the consensus that one should find a subject and stick to it. Looking over some of my topics of interest (in alphabetical order): Ancient Rome, archeology, art, design, Italy, people, photography, social changes, spiritual development, travel and writing, I realized that most of these could be listed under Italy.

Yet although Italy will be part of my focus, this is really about one life’s journey – mine – and connecting with others on the path. Which takes me back to self-reflection and why I’m doing this in the first place…

Gary Zukav wrote in his book The Seat of the Soul, “When the personality comes to serve the energy of the soul, that is authentic power.”

My personality, by finding the courage through this endeavor – this website – is serving my soul’s need to speak its voice.

So I’m going to go with it, see where this takes me…and you, the reader. All of us have stories; sharing our stories is one of the things that connects us. As I develop this site, once I set it up, I’d love to hear some of yours.

For now, as said in Italian…a presto!




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