Days and miles have passed since my last entry. Deadlines, events, travel and especially emotional growth all have superseded my being present here. I haven’t gotten it down yet, as some have advised, to write entries ahead and have them posted automatically. That will come…maybe. Or maybe this site will transform as I do and become more business oriented.
Let me just say I’m being true to me, or trying to be. Which leads me to the explanation of the posted picture, taken in Manhattan. Protect Yo HeArt (PYH) stencils were all over the city. As a visitor, I had no idea what they were until I found the following online:
April23rd is National ProtectYOHeArt Day. a day to reflect & be Grateful for You, Your Growth, Your Contribution to humanity, Your hard work & everything that revolve around the idea of SelfLove & Appreciation.
Protect Yo HeART is a Quote created by UncuttART in 07… The purpose of the quote wasn’t clear at 1st, but it felt powerful… A Powerful Feeling that he wanted to share with the world.
Protecting Yo Heart simply mean to be careful what you put in your Heart, from negative words, ppl, to negative feelings… You see, The heart is a self contained organ like the rest of our wonderful body. The heart plays an important role in your physical & Spiritual (vibration) life… Physically, by Making sure that clean blood is distributed thru out the body. and spiritually, allow you to freely give & accept Love thru out the Universe. now, the Key is making sure we don’t interfere with that natural order… So, we’ve Posted a ton of these #protectYoHeARt stencils in certain spots in & out of the city as a Reminder. a Reminder to Always Protect Our HeArts. We don’t have to try to Love, because Love is like Air, Its all over… A reminder to be mindful of what we allow in…
See more PYH thoughts on:
What more can be said? I’m protecting my heart and moving forward. If I’ve no expectations of others, I won’t be let down. Acceptance. That’s the word, and the lesson, of this summer…not only of others but of myself as well.